Lite Moon Magazine X ESP
by: Wish Fire
Saint Gothic
Lite Moon Magazine X ESP
ESP is also known as a sixth sense
ESP can refer to extrasensory perception, a supposed ability to gain information through the mind rather than the senses
Three main types of ESP are generally described. They are clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition
Altered sensory perception: Changes in your perception of time or your senses
Derealization: Feeling like everything is unreal or like you're in a dream
People with BPD amnesia may be awake but unable to remember where they were
Amnesia in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a dissociative symptom that can cause people to feel like they've lost time
While splitting in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) doesn't directly cause memory loss in the traditional sense, it can contribute to memory gaps or distortions due to its association with dissociation, where individuals mentally
..disconnect from experiences, potentially leading to forgetting or incomplete recall of events, especially when highly emotional or traumatic; this is often referred to as "BPD amnesia.".
it's possible to learn to control the tendency to split.
Lite Moon Magazine X ESP
Splitting can be a defense mechanism that develops in response to early life trauma
Splitting is a defense mechanism that can be seen in a number of mental illnesses
Borderline splitting occurs when the person disowns their feelings so they do not get in touch with them.
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It can lead to intensely polarizing views of others, for instance, they are either very good or very bad. A person typically splits unconsciously or without realizing it.
Splitting means a person is unable to hold opposing thoughts
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Lite Moon Magazine X ESP
..viewing people or situations in extreme terms, either as completely good or completely bad, with difficulty recognizing any middle ground or nuance, essentially seeing the world in black and white..
Splitting is considered a primitive defense mechanism to cope with overwhelming emotions by simplifying complex situations into good or bad categories.
Emotional withdrawal: Lacking emotional reactions or responses to events
Identity alteration: Experiencing multiple identities or feeling possessed or controlled by something else
..about 54% of borderline patients (and about 26% of participants with other axis II disorders) had a history of any eating disorder at the time of their index admission..
Borderline Personality Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa (AN), often occur together
..personality disorder in which people have trouble processing and managing their emotions..
BPD is believed to affect approximately 1.4% of the US population
Researchers are still unsure of the exact causes of BPD, but the most likely cause is an interaction of genetic, environmental, and biological factors
A persistent feeling of emptiness
Some individuals with BPD might strive for perfection in certain areas of their lives, which can align with a Type A characteristic of high standards and achievement-oriented behavior.
Emotional Instability:
Unlike a typical Type A personality, people with BPD experience extreme mood swings, rapidly shifting between intense emotions like anger, sadness, and euphoria, which is a core symptom of the disorder
euphoria can feel like a sudden, intense burst of overwhelming happiness or well-being, often accompanied by a sense of excitement, optimism, and impulsivity
These individuals often experience emotions more intensely and for longer durations than others, including positive emotions like happiness.
Lite Moon Magazine X ESP
Hyperawareness and Intellectual Genius
Individuals with this disorder are frequently highly observant and sensitive to their environments, picking up on subtle cues that others may overlook
This heightened awareness can contribute to an exceptional understanding of human nature and behavior.
Hyperawareness is another trait often associated with BPD
This acute sensitivity can lead to an intellectual prowess that manifests as an uncanny understanding of complex concepts, patterns, or systems
It can be particularly beneficial in fields that require a deep understanding of human behavior or societal dynamics, such as psychology, sociology, or anthropology.
The Genius-BPD Paradox: A Balancing Act
..intersection of genius and BPD can result in extraordinary creativity and intellectual prowess, it's essential to recognize the challenges associated with this combination. The same emotional intensity and hyperawareness that can fuel genius can also lead to emotional turbulence..
People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may have heightened sensitivity to a variety of sensory stimuli
Auditory: People with BPD may be more reactive to sounds
Gustatory: People with BPD may be more likely to describe tastes as unpleasant or disgusting
Tactile: People with BPD may be more sensitive to touch
Visual: People with BPD may be more reactive to visual stimuli
It can also be helpful to take some space when the world feels like too much to handle.
Clairvoyance: The ability to have a heightened awareness of objects or events that others are unaware
they may also experience dream-reality confusion due to the vivid nature of their dreams
Studies show a higher frequency of negative dreams and nightmares in people with BPD compared to the general population
Dreams may feature extreme emotions like anger, fear, sadness, or intense happiness, often mirroring the emotional instability experienced in waking life
If someone with BPD has experienced trauma, their dreams may frequently revisit these traumatic events..
Due to the vivid nature of their dreams, people with BPD might sometimes struggle to differentiate between dream experiences and reality
Lazy people sometimes appear to "boss everyone around" because they might use manipulation tactics to offload their work onto others, often by strategically complaining, delegating excessively, or taking credit for the work done by others
essentially using their perceived power dynamics to avoid doing their fair share of work
Avoiding responsibility:
By directing others, they can shift the burden of completing tasks away from themselves
Social manipulation:
They might use charm or guilt trips to persuade others to take on their workload
Perception of power:
Even if they don't have formal authority, they might try to create an image of being in control by directing others
They might not understand how to prioritize tasks effectively, leading to them asking others to do things for them last minute
Set clear boundaries: Communicate your expectations and responsibilities clearly
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Clairvoyance is the paranormal ability to see persons and events that are distant in time or space
It is a form of extrasensory perception (ESP) that allows individuals to perceive information beyond the normal range of sight or perception, gaining insights into the past, present, or future
The supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact..
Lite Moon Magazine X ESP
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