
Saint Gothic Designs

Lite Moon Magazine X Venus

Lite Moon Magazine X Venus

by: Wish Fire

Saint Gothic

1,800-year-old gold ring with 'Venus the Victorious' carving discovered in France.
The ring was found in an "exceptional state of preservation" near the town of Pacé, in Brittany, according to a translated statement from the French National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP). Its gemstone bears a carving of Venus Victrix, which translates to "Venus the Victorious," according to INRAP. The gemstone is a nicolo, or a type of onyx that is cut so it has a faint bluish layer over a thicker layer of black. This centerpiece is framed in gold, with linear patterns etched around it.
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, has died at the age of 100. Carter passed away at his home in Plains, Georgia, on Sunday, December 29. His son, Chip Carter, confirmed his death. Known for his humanitarian work post-presidency.
Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, murdered in his cathedral on December 29, 1170. May his steadfast faith and courageous life continue to inspire.
Today is the feast of St Thomas of Canterbury. On this day, 854 years ago, in the early evening, St Thomas was hacked to death in the north transept of his own cathedral by a party of knights who wished, in doing so, to please Henry II. Here is the site of his martyrdom.
Lite Moon Magazine X Venus
A prototype of the CR450 bullet train that will run at 400 kilometers per hour debuted in Beijing on Sunday. Check out how fast it can go!
Each life lost is an immeasurable tragedy.
I fly home tonight and will start editing ASAP
Magical items
In Norse mythology, dwarves and elves forged magical items, including weapons, treasures, and tools for the gods
Gifts to the gods
In Greek and Roman mythology, humans gave gifts to the gods as votive offerings to express their relationship with the gods and to thank them
for good fortune. These offerings could be bloodless, such as fruits, grains, cheese, oil, honey, milk, and incense, or blood-based, such as animals, birds, and fish
Herakles: Received gifts from Hephaestus and Pallas Athena, including greaves and a breastplate
•Agamemnon: Received a scepter from Zeus, which gave him the right to uphold what is right
•Achilles: Received weapons from the gods, but they brought sorrow
In mythology, the gods give gifts to humans, and humans give gifts to the gods:
Pandora: Pandora was given gifts by many gods
Hephaestus: Created Pandora from clay
Athena: Gave Pandora the gift of weaving and needlework
Hermes: Gave Pandora the ability to lie and cheat without remorse
The Kharties: Gave Pandora gold necklaces and other gifts to make her irresistible to men
Aphrodite: Gave Pandora beauty, sexual attractiveness, and desire
•Zeus: Gave Pandora a jar containing all the evils and plagues of humanity, as well as hope
•Poseidon: Gave Pandora a pearl necklace to prevent her from drowning
•Apollo: Taught Pandora to play the lyre and sing
•Hera: Gave Pandora curiosity
Lite Moon Magazine X Venus
Spiritual gifts:
Speaking in tongues
A temporary gift that allowed early church members to speak in languages they didn't know to spread the gospel
Interpreting tongues
A gift that allowed people to understand what was being said in a language they didn't know
Gift of healing
A gift that allows the Holy Spirit to heal someone from an illness or infirmity
Gift of discernment
A gift that allows people to understand something through the power of the Spirit
Other gifts for God include:
administration, apostleship, evangelism, exhortation or encouragement, faith, giving, leadership, mercy, pastoring, and prophecy.
Some say that spiritual gifts can be grouped into four categories: leading, teaching, service, and compassion
Lite Moon Magazine X Venus
Eighth Army
Word of wisdom
A gift that allows people to understand what is right or true, especially when making decisions
Mortals love presents just like gods, although they expect different kinds
People usually give the deceased food just as flowers and candles
Every second becomes a moment to treasure as the clock ticks closer to midnight. Handcrafted from marquise-cut diamonds, the Precious Emerald is a breathtaking ode to the art of time. Ring in the New Year with this high jewelry watch:
crystal jimmy choo heels
Our condolences go out to the families of those killed in the crash and we wish those injured a speedy recovery.
Congrats @spacex
team on completing 2 great orbital missions in 24 hours!
Venus, in Roman mythology, is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She is often associated with desire, seduction, and sensual pleasure2. The Romans believed that Venus was born from the sea foam after the Titan Cronus (Saturn in Roman mythology) castrated his father Uranus and threw his genitals into the sea
Lite Moon Magazine X Venus Venus royalty
love blessings
Planet Venus
Symbols Rose, common myrtle
Day Friday (dies Veneris)
Venus, due to her natural beauty and sexual nature, was often depicted nude. Most sculptures of Venus resembled a close similarity to the Aphrodite of Cnidus and the Venus de Milo.
One of the most famous paintings of the goddess is called the “Birth of Venus”, by Sandro Botticelli. It portrays the goddess’ birth as coming to shore from the ocean in a giant shell.
The Latin theonym Venus and the common noun venus ('love, charm') stem from a Proto-Italic form reconstructed as *wenos- ('desire').
(Messapic Venas, Old Indic vánas 'desire').
Venus has been described as perhaps "the most original creation of the Roman pantheon",: 146  and "an ill-defined and assimilative" native goddess, combined "with a strange and exotic Aphrodite".
Venus-Aphrodite emerged, already in adult form, from the sea foam (Greek αφρός, aphros) produced by the severed genitals of Caelus-Uranus. Roman theology presents Venus as the yielding, watery female principle, essential to the generation and balance of life. Her male counterparts in the Roman pantheon, Vulcan and Mars, are active and fiery. Venus absorbs and tempers the male essence, uniting the opposites of male and female in mutual affection.
The ambivalence of her persuasive functions has been perceived in the relationship of the root *wenos- with its Latin derivative venenum ('poison'; from *wenes-no 'love drink' or 'addicting'),in the sense of "a charm, magic philtre".
Venus Acidalia, in Virgil's Aeneid (1.715–22, as mater acidalia). Servius speculates this "rare" and "strangely recondite epithet" as reference to a mooted "Fountain of Acidalia" (fons acidalia) where the Graces (Venus' daughters) were said to bathe; but he also connects it to the Greek word for "dart", "needle", "arrow", whence "love's arrows" and love's bitter "cares and pangs".
Venus Anadyomene (Venus "rising from the sea"), based on a once-famous painting by the Greek artist Apelles showing the birth of Aphrodite from sea-foam, fully adult and supported by a more-than-lifesized scallop shell. The Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli used the type in his The Birth of Venus. Other versions of Venus' birth show her standing on land or shoreline, wringing the sea-water from her hair.
Andrey Surnov- Wasteland.
Heinrich Gogarten - "Winter Landscape" (1888)
Angel Loop by: Wish Fire


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