
Saint Gothic Designs

Sun Moon Magazine X Copperhead

Sun Moon Magazine X Copperhead

by: Wish Fire

Saint Gothic

JUST IN - Volcano erupts in Indonesia, spews hot lava and smoke
Some synonyms for the word "snake" include: serpent, viper, ophidian, reptile, and reptilian.
Some specific types of snakes include:
python, cobra, rattlesnake, boa, copperhead, and adder.
In some cultures, snakes are associated with fertility, rebirth, renewal, and immortality.
In Christian tradition, snakes are associated with lies, evil, and temptation.
Copperhead snakes are some of the most commonly encountered venomous snakes in North America. They are responsible for more bites in the U.S. than any other snake species, but bites are...
Copperhead snakes (Agkistrodon contortix) range from the Florida panhandle, north to Massachusetts and west to Nebraska. There are five subspecies of copperheads, which are named after their reddish-brown heads. While North American copperheads make up their own species, several types of snakes are colloquially referred to as copperheads, including cottonmouth snakes (Agkistrodon piscivorus), radiated rat snakes (Coelognathus radiata), lowland copperheads (Austrelaps superbus) and sharp-nosed pit vipers (Deinagkistrodon acutus).
North American copperheads are pit vipers — snakes that have heat-sensitive pit organs between the eye and the nostril on each side of their head. These pits detect minute differences in temperature in the environment, including sources of warmth that often turn out to be prey for the snakes. Pit vipers are mostly nocturnal, and copperhead "behavior is very much like that of most other pit vipers."
Chinese zodiac
The Chinese zodiac is based on the Chinese calendar, and uses both the solar and lunar calendar. The Chinese zodiac is based on birth year, while Western astrology is
Sun Moon Magazine X Copperhead
based on birth month. The 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac correspond to the 12 Earthly Branches, which are part of the 12-year cycle of Jupiter's orbit around the sun
Chinese calendar
The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, which means it's based on both the phases of the moon and the Earth's orbit around the sun.
The calendar year is made up of 12 months, with alternating months of 29 and 30 days, for a total of 354 days. Intercalary months are added to keep the calendar year in sync with the solar year, which is about 365 days long
based on the Chinese calendar, which is a lunisolar calendar
The Chinese zodiac animals were assigned months on the traditional Chinese solar calendar.
In India it’s no surprise that you could lose it all to a snake
Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra. Gustave Moreau, 1875
"Heracles and Achelous" by François Joseph Bosio (1768-1845). Achelous, the river god, transforms himself into a snake and wrestles Hercules for the hand of Princess Deianeira. Achelous ultimately loses.
"Alexander the Great" (ca 1483-1485). Workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio. Marble; 22 x 14 7/16 in. (1956.2.1) National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.
Two bearded serpents top Hermes' staff (kerykeion). The scales were created with rows of punches. Each snake once had inlaid eyes. Bronze. Greek, 5th century BCE. Dallas Museum of Art (Image courtesy Dallas Museum of Art).
The story of Hercules and the serpents has been depicted in many works of art, including
The Infant Hercules Strangling Serpents in his Cradle: A painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds that depicts Hercules as a baby fighting off the snakes
Hercules strangling the serpents as a child: A fresco from the Casa dei Vettii in Rome that dates to around 50–79 AD
The Infant Hercules Strangling the Serpents: A plaquette attributed to an anonymous follower of Moderno, discovered in Rome in 1506
Hercules strangling the serpents: An artwork by Antonio Tempesta in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
The infant Hercules and the Standard Oil serpents: A 1906 cartoon by Frank A. Nankivell that depicts Theodore Roosevelt as the infant Hercules fighting snakes with the heads of Nelson W. Aldrich and John D. Rockefeller
The story
Hera was jealous of Hercules because he was born to Zeus and Alcmena, and she wanted to kill him. She sent two snakes to strangle the sleeping baby, but Hercules was too strong and killed them
In Greek mythology, Hercules strangled two snakes sent to kill him by his stepmother, Hera, when he was an infant
The Serpent Column
A column in front of the Temple of Apollo that was supported by three entwined serpents. A model of the temple precinct in the museum at Delphi shows a reconstruction of the column and the tripod that may have rested on it
The sanctuary of Delphi
Built on top of the Python's dead body, the sanctuary was home to the oracle of Delphi, known as Pythia. The name Pytho, from which the name Pythia comes, is said to refer to the rotting corpse of the slain serpent
The Olympian god who killed the Python with arrows and took control of the oracle. Apollo was the patron of archery and was associated with the bow and arrow. He was also the patron of poetry and music, and was associated with the lyre.
The Python
A serpent that lived in the caves of Mount Parnassus and was the son of Gaea. The Python was known to give oracles, and some say it opposed Apollo's attempt to establish his own oracle at Delphi.
In Greek mythology, Apollo killed the Python, a giant serpent that guarded the oracle at Delphi, and became the protector of the site
They are so cold-blooded that they turn everything around into terror
Snakes are cold-blooded meaning no warmth no fire no love
A person's characteristics are said to be determined by their birth year's zodiac animal sign and element.
(I’m a fire tiger )
Tigers and snakes have chaotic chemistry
Try to learn snakes before you go outdoors
In Chinese element theory, each zodiac sign is associated with one of the five elements: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.
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If a snake bites u have to remember the pattern so they can distribute the rite anti-venom
sun moon
I’m Libra but I have mostly Scorpio dominated
1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, and 2025
If u k someone ur about as powerful as a snake
Venomous snakes have one very known and major weakness, the cold
Biophysical studies suggest that this system is exquisitely sensitive, such that vipers can detect prey at distances up to 1 meter
Until recently, H. sapiens was thought to have evolved approximately 200,000 years ago in East Africa
Evidence from cave art and other artifacts suggests that early humans began to live in a symbolic world, using language to communicate with one another
Evidence from tools, art, and other artifacts suggests that complex technology and cultures evolved more recently, around 50,000–65,000 years ago
The highest death rates from snakebites in the United States were in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Alabama. The most common victims were children and workingmen
A study estimated that India had 45,900 annual snakebite deaths in 2011
An estimated 1.2 million Indians died from snakebite envenoming between 2000–2019, which is an average of 58,000 deaths per year
The Likelihood of Dying from a Snakebite
Between 81,000 to 138,000 people die each year from snake bites, and around three times as many amputations and other permanent disabilities
One in 37,500 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the U.S. each year
Sri Lanka: This country has snakebite management guidelines that advise physicians to wait for patients to develop signs of systemic envenoming before treating them
India: Uttar Pradesh had the highest number of snakebite deaths in 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa: This region has a high burden of snakebite deaths
Southeast Asia, India, Brazil, and Africa: These regions have the highest number of deaths from snake bites
The WHO has committed to halving snakebite deaths and disabilities by 2030
Many deaths from snake bites are preventable due to lack of treatment or the wrong medicine
This is out of an estimated 5.4 million people who are bitten by snakes globally
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 81,410 and 137,880 people die from snake bites each year.
The States Where It's Illegal to Kill Snakes
Rattlesnakes usually avoid humans, but about 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year, with 10 to 15 deaths
Rattlesnake bites are a medical emergency and can be fatal if left untreated. Seek help within half an hour
Rattlesnakes are venomous, not poisonous, because their toxins are only harmful when injected into the bloodstream through a bite. Rattlesnakes use their venom to immobilize and digest their prey..
World: There are around 30 different species of rattlesnakes in the world
United States: There are over 25 species of rattlesnakes in the United States
California: California has eight species of rattlesnakes, including the southern pacific, northern pacific, great basin, western diamondback, red diamondback, sidewinder, speckled, and Mojave green rattlesnakes
Deadly rattlesnake bites are rare.
Rattlesnake fangs have hinges
The first rattlesnakes appeared 12–14 million years ago, but the neurotoxin genes that produce their venom evolved about 22 million years earlier
Rattlesnakes sense vibrations to "hear”
Rattlesnakes typically live 10–25 years
In many Native American nations, rattlesnakes are considered to have special meanings, such as being spiritual ancestors, divine messengers, or bringers of rain.
The rattlesnake's mistake
The rattlesnake waits for the sun's daughter at her house, but accidentally bites her instead of the sun. The sun is angry and weeps, flooding the Earth
In Cherokee folklore, a rattlesnake appears in the myth of the sun and her daughter, where it accidentally kills the sun's daughter
Increased visibility to predators
While burning may open up the landscape and provide more basking areas for snakes, it may also increase their visibility to predators such as hawks and bears
Create new habitat
Fires can create new habitat in standing dead trees (snags)
After a fire, snakes can take advantage of the warmed earth and areas with less vegetation to warm themselves
Minimal frost depth: Due to the warm climate, most of California has a very shallow frost line
In California, the frost line is generally considered to be very shallow, often less than a foot deep, and
The snakes will try to dominate their surroundings
during winter dormancy, they must travel below the frost line.
Fresh tracks: Look for wavy lines in the soil near the entrance to the hole
Rattlesnakes: Depending on the weather, rattlesnakes can be close to the surface or deep underground. In temperate areas, snakes can spend months underground
The Year of the Snake begins on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, which is the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year. The year ends on February 16, 2026
The "little dragon": The snake is sometimes called the "little dragon"
Symbolism: Snakes can symbolize gods, natural phenomena, wisdom, strength, and good fortune
Some river gods were depicted as snakes or snake-like beings, such as the directional deities of the north
They are associated with natural phenomena, gods, and the creators of humanity
California is home to eight species of rattlesnakes, which may be spotted anywhere from off-road dirt trails to your own backyards and front porches.
It was a gold mine it was filled with snakes
Here are some tips for deterring a mountain lion attack:
Make yourself look as large as possible
Stand on a stump or use your arms to spread a jacket wide
Try to stand your ground
Some reasons for this include:
Loss of habitat due to humans moving into wilderness
Lack of food in their territory
Mountain lions are protective animals and may feel threatened if they encounter humans in their territory
Mountain lion attacks on humans in California are rare, with fewer than 50 confirmed attacks since 1890, and only six resulting in death
How many mountain lions are in California? - Mountain Lion Foundation
The densest mountain lion populations are in the forests of Humboldt and Mendocino counties
The California Mountain Lion Project estimates that there are between 3,200 and 4,500 mountain lions in California
*jumps on ur roof like a house cat hungry for u like ur a rat
Mountain lions make little noise in the woods. When they do, they often sound like a person whistling or a bird chirping
During the California Gold Rush, it is estimated that roughly "one in twelve" settlers were killed, meaning the murder ratio was approximately 1:12, with crime rates being extremely high due to the influx of people and lack of established law enforcement in the mining camps
They wait outside your window and pretend to cry to lure u outside
Currently, the gold spot price for 1 ounce of gold in U.S. dollars (USD) is $2,710.09. Gold spot price can fluctuate by the second, driven by investment supply and demand, and other factors.
The miner panning for gold during the 1849 gold rush in California. The forty-niners definition encompasses anyone who left their lives, property, and homes to travel to California in 1848-1849 in search of gold (49).
The Gold Rush era was marked by lawlessness: duels, murders in broad daylight, public hangings, jail breakouts, and vigilantism
Typhus fever were also prevalent and the population was subjected to deaths from starvation, exposure, murder, executions, and various wounds and accidents
Nearly two-thirds of all recorded deaths in the Palmer River district from 1873 to 1883 were due to infections, predominately 'fevers'
According to the government of California, some 4,500 Native Americans suffered violent deaths between 1849 and 1870
Other crimes that were common during the Gold Rush era include: duels, public hangings, jail breakouts, and vigilantism
Anglo-American miners
Anglo-American miners became increasingly territorial over land and forced other nationalities from the mines with violent tactics
Racial violence
Some of the violence that occurred in mining towns was racially driven
Mining towns
Mining towns were rough and rowdy, with drunken bar brawls and petty fights often ending in murder
The Gold Rush era was marked by lawlessness, with murder, robbery, and petty theft being common occurrences
Murder was common during the Gold Rush era
People came here to mine gold and that’s when also sever murdering began
I live one hour away from the mirder capital of the USA
Born, Auburn, CA
A mirror for Auburn, NY
Gold mine towns
If you see the list of most murders in the us ull see the top cities are ca as well as the majority of the rest
Most Dangerous Cities in California Based on FBI Violent Crime Data - Criminal Appeals Advocates, P.C.
California had the highest number of homicides in 2023, with 1,929 murders. Texas had the second-highest number of murders, with 1,845
Mississippi has the highest murder rate among states
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In 2023, there were 327 murders in L.A.; in 2019, the highest during that time frame, there were 402
Gráinne (Irish pronunciation: [ˈɡɾˠaːn̠ʲə]) is a feminine given name in the Irish language. The name is of an uncertain origin, although it is possible that it may be connected with the word ghrian, meaning "the Sun".
In the gold mining days its estimated at 1:12 murdered.
The “triple goddess” Brigid has dominion over the early spring equinox, light and fire. She is remembered for her solar nature, fitting her role as a goddess of fire and light. Brigid was also known by many other names, but all the different
divinities were three-aspected goddesses: “Fire of Inspiration”, “Fire of the Hearth” and “Fire of the Forge”.
Étaín is another Celtic goddess considered to be associated with the Sun. She was originally a Sun goddess before becoming a moon goddess
Grian, she is found in place names like Lough Graney and Tuamgraney. She is the winter sun and her sister or her dual nature, Áine, is the summer sun. Áine is the goddess of wealth, with power over crops and animals and she is sometimes represented by a red horse
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...with Belenus, called the “Fair Shining One” (or “The Shining God”), who was one of the most ancient and most widely worshiped Celtic deities. He is associated with the horse and rides across the sky in a wild,
horse-drawn chariot which is one of the characteristics of a solar deity. Incidentally, he was also the patron deity of the Italian city of Aquileia.
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At the Beltane Festival (Beltane means “bright fire”, referring to the Sun) the return of the summer is still celebrated today. Great bonfires, sometimes with sweet smelling Juniper, are built to achieve purification and rejuvenation
Pray For Los Angeles
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Lugh (also Lug, Luga) was one of the most important Celtic gods, particularly in Ireland, and he represented the sun and light
The selkies
Mythological beings that can change from seals in water to humans on land, and are said to have beautiful songs
Celtic goddesses
Étaín was a sun goddess who later became a moon goddess, and was associated with the sun, dawn, rain, and water. Brigid was a goddess of fire and light, and was also known as the 
"Fire of Inspiration", "Fire of the Hearth", and "Fire of the Forge". Áine was the summer sun and goddess of wealth
The Clava Cairns
A Bronze Age burial ground with three standing stone circles that align with the winter solstice sunset
In Celtic folklore, dandelions were a symbol of the sun, and blowing the seed heads was a way to tell time
Scottish sun mythology
The Shining One
A being that walks down the avenue of the Calanais stones on midsummer mornings, heralded by a cuckoo's call. Some researchers believe this is a reference to Lugh, the Celtic sun god, while others think it's a personification of fertility
The Ring of Brodgar
A story about giants dancing in a circle to celebrate the summer solstice, when the sun rose and turned them to stone
The fires in Los Angeles continue
The City Of Angels
According to tradition, Guaraci, the sun god once got tired of his eternal job and had to sleep. When he closed his eyes the world fell into darkness. To brighten the darkness while sleeping,
Tupã created Jaci, the moon, to illuminate the night and bring softness and charm to the world
Creation narrative: Some myths link the creation of the sun and moon to a pair of celestial twins, with one becoming the sun and the other the moo
Jaci: The moon goddess, who takes over when Guaraci sleeps, bringing nighttime
Guaraci: The primary sun god, responsible for providing light during the day
when he gets tired and sleeps, the moon ("Jaci") appears to illuminate the night sky, explaining the day-night cycle
In Brazilian mythology, particularly among the Guarani people, the sun is often represented by a deity named "Guaraci," who is considered the sun god
“Everything he has learned tells him to leave;
Everything he has wished for tells him to stay.”
— Hanya Yanagihara, A Little Life
The Mamaiurans, an Amazon tribe in Brazil, say that at the beginning of time so many birds lived in the sky that their wings blocked the Sun's light, making it always nighttime
Cherokee was one of the most common names given to mining towns during the California Gold Rush era. This town received its name from a band of Cherokee Indians who came to the state in 1853 with S. O. Potter, a Maine schoolmaster, who had been teaching in Indian territory.
Please remember to check on our elders and neighbors, especially those who may need assistance.
The Cherokee revere the Great Spirit. She is called Unelanuhi, the sun goddess. She presided over all things when the earth was created, and was said to have made the earth to provide for her children.
To distract her, the people began to dance and play music until she finally became happy again.
Desperate to please the sun and stop the weeping, the people of Earth made an attempt to rescue the dead daughter from the land of ghosts, but failed
The rattlesnake arrived at the sun's daughter's house to wait for her arrival. But while he was waiting, the sun's daughter opened her door. The rattlesnake accidentally bit her, killing her. When the sun came to see her.
daughter, she discovered her dead and began to weep, flooding the Earth with her tears
The humans turned to the Little Men, who in Cherokee legend were friendly, magical spirits who dwelt in the forests. The Little Men said that the sun must die, so they turned one man into a rattlesnake and another into a fearsome antlered serpent called the Uktena
Angry at humans for their ugly expressions, the sun began using these opportunities to send down so much heat that people began to die of fever.
According to a Cherokee legend, the sun long ago grew jealous of her brother the moon because the people of Earth always looked at her with twisted-up faces and squinted eyes, while they smiled at his gentle light
Solar eclipses were thought to be days when Apep got the upper hand, though Ra always managed to escape.
It was a treacherous journey: Apep, an evil serpent god, attempted to stop Ra by devouring him
At night, Ra returned to the east via the underworld, bringing light to the dead
This boat was called Mandjet, or the "Boat of Millions of Years" — an underestimate, given that our star is actually about 4.5 billion years old
Sailing the sun boat
One of the most important deities in the Egyptian pantheon was Ra, the falcon-headed sun god. Legend had it that every day Ra captained a boat crewed by gods across the sky
This apocalypse would wipe the Earth, clean to be repopulated by a pair of human survivors
In fact, the Norse believed that one day, the sun would finally be devoured. Mythology foretold a huge battle called Ragnarök, in which major gods would die and the Earth would be engulfed in a massive flood
Sköll's brother Hati does the same to the moon at night.) Eclipses were said to be a sign that Sköll was dangerously close to catching Sol.
In ancient Norse legend, the sun goddess Sol travels through the sky chased by the wolf Sköll, who intends to devour her
older observations scratched into bones dating back perhaps 3,000 years.
Ancient Chinese myth also holds that solar eclipses were caused by a demon or dragon devouring the sun, leading to a tradition in which people would play drums or bang pots to scare the sun-eater away. In actuality, Chinese astronomers seemed to
understand eclipses as natural phenomena dating back at least as far as 720 B.C
The archer stalked and killed nine suns and would have snuffed out the last as well if a young boy hadn't stolen his final arrow, saving Earth from perpetual darkness.
Taking pity on suffering mortals, the sun god Dijun called in the expert archer Hou Yi. With 10 magic arrows, the story goes that Hou Yi was to discipline the irresponsible suns
This system worked well until the day that the suns grew bored of their responsibility. They decided to run across the sky all at once, planning to generate enough light and heat so that they could all take a few days
off. Instead, this solar scamper dried up rivers, scorched the Earth and led to widespread drought

Every day, the solar goddess Shiho would pick up one of these suns (also her sons) and wheel him across the sky in her chariot. In the meantime, the other nine would play among the leaves of the mythical Fusang tree, believed to be more than 10,000 feet tall
In ancient Chinese mythology, the sky had not one, but 10 suns
The Aztec Sun Stone
The Aztecs may have used the Aztec Sun Stone to determine when they needed to make sacrifices
The afterlife
The Aztecs believed that the souls of warriors who died in battle or as sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli first formed part of the sun's retinue, and then went on to live forever as hummingbirds
Human sacrifices
The Aztecs believed that human sacrifices were an essential part of their religion and daily life. They sacrificed a variety of victims, including warriors,
slaves, people condemned to death, and children. The sacrificial hearts were offered to the sun and burned in the quauhxicalli, or "the eagle's vase
The sun god
The Aztecs believed that Huitzilopochtli was constantly fighting darkness and night, and that the world would end if darkness won.
They believed that the sun needed to be nourished with human blood and hearts, and that they, as the "people of the sun," were responsible for providing this sustenance.
The Aztecs worshipped the sun god Huitzilopochtli and believed that human sacrifices were necessary to ensure the sun would continue to rise
The Aztecs worshipped the sun god Huitzilopochtli
Inti was usually depicted as a human with a face that was a gold disk with rays and flames extending from it
The Temple of the Sun in Machu Picchu was used to perform religious ceremonies to honor Inti
The sun influenced Inca daily life, ceremonies, and architecture
The sun was considered the god of life, and its rays were believed to be vital for agriculture
The Incas considered themselves "children of the Sun God".
The royal family believed they were descendants of Inti
They emerged from Lake Titicaca and founded the city of Cusco, which became the capital of the Inca Empire
Inca legends about the sun god Inti include his role in the creation of the world, his role as the ancestor of the Incas, and the importance of the sun in Inca life

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