Sun Moon Magazine X Foil Airplanes
by: Wish Fire
Saint Gothic
The British engineer and aviator Sir George Cayley reportedly crafted the first folded paper plane to approach modern specifications in the early 1800s as part of his personal experimentation with aerodynamics.
A paper plane (also known as a paper airplane or paper dart in American English, or paper aeroplane in British English) is a toy aircraft, usually a glider, made out of a single folded sheet of paper or paperboard. It typically takes the form of a simple nose-heavy triangle thrown like a dart.
The art of paper plane folding dates back to the 19th century, with roots in various cultures around the world, where they have been used for entertainment, education, and even as tools for understanding aerodynamics.
The mechanics of paper planes are grounded in the fundamental principles of flight, including lift, thrust, drag, and gravity. By manipulating these forces through different folding techniques and designs, enthusiasts can create planes that exhibit a wide range of flight characteristics, such as distance, stability, agility, and time aloft.
Around 200 BCE, in ancient China, the invention of paper marked the birth of an art form that would transcend time. The Chinese began folding paper into various shapes, experimenting with gliders that were more symbolic than functional. This laid the foundation for the art of origami.
In the late 19th century, as interest in aviation grew globally, innovators like Alphonse Pénaud in France designed rubber-band-powered planes, contributing to the understanding of aerodynamics. Paper planes started to transition from symbolic representations to practical models.
Sun Moon Magazine X Foil Airplanes
During World War II, paper planes took on a recreational role among servicemen, providing a playful escape from the seriousness of wartime. Post-war, they became a staple in classrooms and homes worldwide, symbolising the dreams of flight and innovation inspired by aviation pioneers like the Wright brothers.
The Modern Paper Plane Renaissance
In recent times, paper planes have experienced a renaissance with enthusiasts crafting intricate designs and participating in international competitions. The Guinness World Record for the longest flight of a paper aircraft, at 29.2 seconds, showcases the ongoing fascination and creativity surrounding this deceptively simple activity.
Sun Moon Magazine X Foil Airplanes
Two houses from us…
Grigio Telesto Murcielago LP640
Like driving through hell!
a man of grand vision and deep values who leaves behind a respected legacy of integrity and goodness.
Borders must not be moved by force. This principle applies to every country, whether in the East or the West. In talks with our European partners, there is an uneasiness regarding recent statements from the US. It is clear: We must stand together.
our firefighters are our nobility.
Sun Moon Magazine X Foil Airplanes
Wrong answers only!
multiple power flashes caused by powerful wind gusts in Los Angeles this morning as fires continue to rage throughout the area.
Pray for LA and the Palisades
Jacob's Body Is Taken to Canaan
Sun Moon Magazine X Foil Airplanes
001 Pink
Thank you, BLINKs
2025.1.8 2nd 4機 1区分
#ブルーインパルス #松島基地
Lisa making Thai Iced Tea at Erewhon
Hrazdan River
SAM 39 hits the reverse after landing at Andrews with the casket of former President Jimmy Carter.
WATCH LIVE: Blinken holds joint news conference with French Foreign Minister Barrot in Paris
General in the form of royal guards. P.A. Cherevin.
the National Board of Review Awards.
Kieran Culkin attends the 82nd annual Golden Globe Awards wearing Tiffany & Co. designs. Kieran wears a Jean Schlumberger by Tiffany Bird on a Rock brooch with a Fancy Intense Yellow diamond of over 23 carats.
They represent the very best of America.
Stealth Black Mclaren 720s
Sun beginning to come up as multiple homes continue to burn right on the Malibu coast.
U.S. military commander at McMurdo Station, Antarctica.
In December of 1944, soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division celebrate Christmas in Belgium.
There are reports of residents taking refuge in their pools as the fire moves into their community.
Donald Trump Jr's historic trip to Greenland.
Sunrise in California now.
It tests your soul, losing everything at once, I must say.
Infantry of the 15th (Scottish) Division filmed in action in Uelzen, Germany, April 1945.
Film: IWM A70 304-7
The U.S.-Canada alliance is stronger because of him.
今回は、#八尾 駐屯地に所在する中部方面航空野整備隊ついての紹介です!
WARNING: Contains Heavy Metal
Perfect home
Malibu, California....
a man evacuates his horses from the flames in Altadena.
Burial at sea for officers and men of Essex-class aircraft carrier USS Intrepid (CV-11), who were killed in kamikaze attacks the day prior on November 26, 1944.
We are skipping into the new year with Roman's SCIPA integration!
The HEAT is on!
We have officially brought our new High Enthalpy Air-Breathing Test Facility (HEAT) online with a series of successful tests of the
F100 engine. HEAT will serve as an asset for military and commercial engine testing, boosting the efficiency and affordability of supersonic and hypersonic test infrastructure.
In the coming months, our planetary exploration spacecraft will be making close approaches to the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, an asteroid, and more.
"Freezing Winds 23".
St. Raphael the Archangel, Angel of Healing, pray for us, especially for those in most need of healing today!
"The sun was pasted in the sky like a wafer.”
1月8日(水)、#吉田統合幕僚長 は、在京ニュージーランド大使館付国防武官を離任するドラギスヴィチ陸軍大佐に対し、統合幕僚監部とニュージーランド軍の連携強化に関わる取組みへの功績をたたえ、感謝状及び防衛協力章を贈呈しました。そして、新しく着任するヘンダーソン海軍大佐に対して歓迎の意を伝えました。
Lovely winter sunshine to start the day.
"His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones"
James 3:6
Der #OeNR startet verhalten in das neue Jahr. Anders als üblich sind für die ersten beiden Arbeitswochen 2025 noch keine Ausschusstermine vereinbart. Ganz steht die parlamentarische Arbeit aber nicht still. Lesen Sie hier weiter
Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire
The Lord Almighty will take vengeance on them in the day of judgement; fire and worms he will give to their flesh; they shall weep in pain for ever
Winds blowing perpendicular to the runway can be problematic for takeoff and landing, causing pilots to adjust their approach or delay flights
The maximum wind speed a plane can handle depends on the direction of the wind, the phase of flight (takeoff, cruise, landing), and the specific aircraft model
This high-altitude wind current can significantly increase a plane's ground speed when flying with it (tailwind).
the Road Map for Development, Proliferation and Exploitation of Computer Wargaming in #IA.
the plane itself isn't flying faster, just experiencing a significant boost from the wind; crosswinds, especially during takeoff and landing, are the primary concern regarding wind speed and can limit flight operations if they exceed
certain thresholds (usually around 30-40 mph) depending on the aircraft type
strong tailwinds in the jet stream can push a plane to speeds exceeding 800 mph, effectively allowing it to "fly" much faster due to the added wind speed
Gradient height:
This is the altitude where surface friction becomes negligible, and wind speed is considered relatively constant
The greatest impact of surface friction on wind speed occurs near the ground, diminishing with increasing altitude
Wind extends throughout the atmosphere, reaching high into the sky, but the significant effects of surface friction on wind speed typically only reach a few thousand feet above ground level, with the strongest
winds often found at higher altitudes in the jet stream, which can be around 30,000 feet high
In addition to water, water bombers may also use water enhancers like foams and gels, or fire retardants
Water bombers are used to reduce the heat and flames at the edge of a fire, making it safer for ground crews to put out the fire
Water bombing is the use of aircraft to fight wildfires by dropping water on the hottest parts of a fire:
Fire size and location:
The number of planes required depends on the size and location of the fire, terrain, weather conditions, and access
Different aircraft have varying capacities, with large air tankers carrying thousands of gallons of fire retardant, while smaller planes can carry less
Supporting role:
Aerial firefighting primarily supports ground crews by dropping fire retardant to create firebreaks, not directly putting out the fire completely
the main goal of aerial firefighting is to assist ground crews by slowing the fire's spread with fire retardant, not to completely extinguish it with just airplanes
a large wildfire would likely require multiple large air tankers to effectively slow down the fire and support ground crews, while a smaller fire might only need one or a few smaller aircraft to contain it
I’m a personification of fire I’m not pure in the flesh I’m helpless to the angels
The International Association of Fire Fighters represents over 350,000 full-time professional fire fighters and emergency medical workers in 3,500 affiliates across the United States and Canada.
Three Kings Day!
Orange County helicopter intel flight video.
turns 574
God is without beginning and without end
In the Bible, Revelation 8:1 describes a period of silence in heaven after God opens the seventh seal
the stability of the Horn of Africa.
Azrael: Associated with indigo, Azrael is the angel of new beginnings
Ariel: Associated with purple, Ariel is the angel of the earth and is responsible for protecting the planet
Zadkiel: Associated with purple, Zadkiel is the angel of mercy
Uriel: Associated with red, Uriel is the angel of wisdom
Chamuel: Associated with pink, Chamuel is the angel of peaceful relationships
Jophiel: Associated with yellow, Jophiel is the angel of beautiful thoughts and illumination
Michael: Associated with blue, Michael is the leader of the holy angels and is associated with strength, courage, and justice
Raphael is the archangel associated with the color green and healing
The phrase "the eyes of the Lord" is an anthropomorphic expression, which means it attributes human-like qualities to God. It conveys God's omniscience, omnipresence, and caring nature.
Revelation 3:18
"I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see"
Psalm 34:15
"The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry".
2 Chronicles 16:9
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him"
Proverbs 15:3
"The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good"
We’d never encourage anyone to cheat but cheat DAYS are perfectly acceptable (ignore the fact that we’re a pizza company)
Winchester Mystery House after dark: February 15, February 22, March 1, and March 8!
Andes Chocolate Mints are small rectangular candies. The crème de menthe variety consists of one mint-green layer sandwiched in between two cocoa based chocolate flavored layers. The candies are usually wrapped in
green foil and imprinted with the company's logo, the word Andes written amidst a drawing of snow-capped peaks. First launched in 1950, they are produced by Tootsie Roll Industries and made in Delavan, Wisconsin
Andes Crème de Menthe Thins were also created by Kanelos in 1950. These individually wrapped mints were sold at the cash register for between $.01–$05
The mints are small, rectangular candies with a mint-green layer sandwiched between two chocolate layers
He changed the name to Andes Candies to make it more gender-neutral
The mints were created by Andrew Kanelos, who started his candy business in Chicago in 1921 under the name Andy's Candy.
Andes mints were first launched in 1950
Andes Mints | Candy Warehouse
Andes Chocolate Tart
VICTORY! 🎉 The Board of Natural Resources voted to uphold the ban on commercial net pens in state owned aquatic lands!
goal for 2025: a healthy body
Miley Cyrus attends the 82nd Annual Golden Globes Awards.
A snowy White House.
fendi boots
The harp occupies a position unique in the history of music. It is the oldest known instrument, having existed in one form or another, in every land and every age.
The earliest evidence of the harp is found in Ancient Egypt circa 2500 BC. They were shaped liked bows or angular and had very few strings (because they lacked a column they could not support much string tension).
The frame harp, or a harp that included a straight forepillar (or column in the modern sense), first appeared in Medieval Western Europe in the 8th to 10th centuries AD. Although there are very few remaining in existence, art from that time indicates they utilized about ten or eleven strings. The first harp to feature a hollowed soundbox that amplified the instrument’s sound dates back to Ireland in the 14th century. It also included a curved forepillar, a stronger neck and 30 to 36 brass strings.
Triple-strung harps first appeared in Italy in the late 16th or early 17th century
The connection of Scotland its love of stringed instruments is both ancient and recorded. A bridge thought to be from an Iron Age lyre, and dating to around 300 BC, was discovered on the Isle of Skye which would make it the earliest surviving stringed instrument from western Europe.
In Europe, the increased use of gut strings expanded the range of tones that could be played. Regional harp designs flourished, from the medieval European troubadour harp to the silk-stringed konghou harp of ancient China.
yes, ur majesty.
Sun Moon Magazine X Foil Airplanes
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