Sun Moon Magazine X Psyche
by: Wish Fire
Saint Gothic
Sun Moon Magazine X Psyche
"I'm a fighter. Every bone in my body has always told me to fight because I care deeply about Canadians. I care deeply about this country, and I will always be motivated by what is in the best interest of Canadians," the prime minister said.
Psyche is a former mortal woman and goddess of the soul in Greek mythology. She is the wife of Eros (Cupid) and the mother of Hedone. Her beauty was so great that people began to worship her instead of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Psyche is also associated with the concept of the soul personified and represents the human soul’s journey, trials, and eventual union with love.
Konstantinos Simitis, the long-standing Greek head of government, was a great European and friend of Germany. We honor his contributions to European solidarity and his commitment to a modern state.
Our sincere condolences go to his family and friends.
Psyche is the Greek goddess of the soul and often represented as a beautiful woman with butterfly wings. The name Psyche means "soul" in Greek and was commonly referred to as such in Roman mythology.
Butterfly wings
Parents Unnamed king and queen
Siblings(sisters) Aglaura and Cidippe
Consort Cupid
Children Hedone
For her third task, Aphrodite gave Psyche a crystal jar and demanded she returns with water taken from a waterfall positioned on a high cliff on the River Styx, the entrance to the underworld.
The butterfly is the most common symbol of Psyche. It represents Psyche’s journey and transformation from a mere mortal to a revered goddess.
Psyche is featured in the creation myth found in the ancient Gnostic text known as On the Origin of the World. Here she appears as a lover of Eros who pours her blood upon him and also upon the Earth, which causes the first rose to appear on the Earth from a thorn bush.
Psyche was surprised to find that Persephone willingly filled the box with her beauty. However, on her way back to give Aphrodite the box, curiosity once again overcame her and she opened it. Instead of finding a sample of beauty, she found a cloud of darkness that put her in a deep sleep.
Sun Moon Magazine X Psyche
Aphrodite gave Psyche her third task: gather the black waters from the River Styx in a crystal cup the goddess had given her. Arriving near the river, Psyche once again began to despair, for getting to the river itself meant climbing up a treacherous cliff and risking her life. This time, it was Zeus who took pity on the girl and sent his eagle to retrieve the water for her in the crystal cup, thus successfully completing the third task
While Aphrodite had been tending to her son’s injuries, she had learned about the secret marriage between Psyche and her son. When the girl came and begged for forgiveness, the angry goddess had Psyche whipped and tortured. Afterward, she was given barrels of grains, barley, wheat, beans, and poppy seeds mixed together to sort through and was ordered to have them sorted by evening. Psyche broke down in despair, but ants sent by Demeter witnessed the exchange and took pity on the girl, instructing her colony to help sort the grain. Aphrodite, surprised and enraged to see that the task had been completed, gave Psyche a new task.
Sun Moon Magazine X Psyche
When they arrived, her sisters gazed upon their sister’s good fortune and became jealous.
..she eventually came to fall in love with the invisible man and soon fell pregnant..
After the king consulted the Oracle, Psyche was taken to the rock spire and abandoned to her fate. She waited for the beast, but it did not come. In some retellings, Cupid is there, only invisible.
She took a bath and ate a big feast, all while an invisible lyre played beautiful music to entertain her. It was then that Psyche learned that the invisible person was her new husband. He visited only at night, forbidding her to look upon his face or learn his name, saying that it was better for her to love him as an equal than to see him as something godly.
Psyche, although doubtful, was eventually swayed by her sisters' words and looked upon Cupid while he was sleeping, sneaking into his room with an oil lamp and a knife. As Psyche shone the light on her husband's face, she realized that he was a god and reprimanded herself for her foolishness. However, as she shifted, a small drop of hot oil fell onto Cupid' shoulder, awakening him. Betrayed by his wife's actions, Cupid took off in flight to be attended to by his mother, due to his burns from the oil lamp. As he disappeared, so did the palace
Sun Moon Magazine X Psyche
The two traveled to the peak and jumped, thinking Zephyrus would catch them and take them to the palace as he did the last time. Zephyrus, however, knowing what was truly in their hearts, ignored them and the two sisters fell to their deaths.Upset and lost, Psyche wandered and searched for her lover. Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, pitied the girl and told her to go to Aphrodite and beg for forgiveness...
The roots and traditions of Nollaig na mBan. @marion_mcgarry
on the many Irish folk rituals associated with January 6th, the last day of Christmas and the day known as #NollaignamBan
In celebration of the feast of the Epiphany in Ireland, January 6th is marked by Nollaig na mBan or Women's Little Christmas.
It’s the anti-Christian, the 666 flip it in reverse
Those with the 666 sense are driven by domination
The 666 is upside down vampire bats
The 666 is the sixth sense
They will reverse you that’s why you feel like running
Stand my ground with the butterflies
We get it we get it u will use violence against us
Andrew Scott wears a custom Vivienne Westwood single-breasted suit with matching shirt and tie in turquoise blue crepe to the 82nd Annual Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles.
Sun Moon Magazine X Psyche
opposed to Christianity or Christian values.
There are only so many versions of butterflies and humans set to wake
The genetic codes of the butterfly species are very important
A butterfly is the symbol for the soul in Greek myth while its more about emotional and mental complex in this society
And when they are dreaming on earth they wear their full armors in heaven and hell
Rise up butterflies, rise
butterflies enjoy fruits
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
Sun Moon Magazine X Psyche
With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love
Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders; you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.
Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?
And you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.
The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.
The Lord lifts up the humble; he casts the wicked to the ground.
Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, who do his just commands; seek righteousness; seek humility; perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the anger of the Lord
Saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. ...”
Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls
For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land
The meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Matthew 5:5-13 TLV
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Monarch butterflies migrate to California from the north in September and arrive in mid-October. They spend the winter in coastal California, and their peak season is from November to January.
Monarch butterflies go through four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The full cycle from egg to adult can take 20 to 35 days, depending on the temperature.
Monarch butterflies are born in California in the spring and summer
Butterflies of California · iNaturalist
Butterfly Life Cycle - The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Butterflies typically start being born in the spring when temperatures rise, with female butterflies laying eggs on host plants, which then hatch into caterpillars and eventually
transform into adult butterflies; the exact timing depends on the specific butterfly species and local climate conditions..
The scales on butterfly wings serve many purposes, including:
Color: The concentration of pigments in the scales determines the colors of the wings
sun moon
Insulation: The scales and air they contain help insulate the butterfly's body
Heat absorption: The scales help butterflies absorb sunlight and heat needed for flight
Lift: The scales provide lift for the butterfly
Protection: The scales protect the butterfly's wings and insulate them
Cooling: The scales help dissipate heat from the wing's living parts, which are more susceptible to overheating
sun moon
Scent scales
Modified scales on the forewings of male butterflies and moths that release pheromones to attract females
A system of tubular veins that support the wings and allow for oxygen exchange
Thousands of overlapping scales made of modified hairs that cover the wings. Scales are filled with air, which insulates the butterfly's body. They also give butterflies their unique colors and patterns
A hardened protein that forms thin layers in the wings. Chitin is also used to make most insect exoskeletons, as well as human hair and nails
Butterfly wings are made of chitin, a fibrous protein similar to keratin, and covered in tiny scales
Her wings come out all glue wet so she has to dry off in the sun
Butterfly wings harden and expand during eclosion. After hatching, the butterfly hangs upside down, flapping its wings to straighten and dry them. It takes about a day for the wings to fully harden, though the butterflies may be flying within an hour or two. When a butterfly first emerges, its wings are crumpled and damp from being inside the chrysalis. It takes about an hour for their wings to fully form and harden.
God is the monarchy
Ur no butterfly, ur a worm
U can’t hold the sun but the sun can touch u from so far away
It’s a dream from one to the next
Should I wait for the humans to save the gods?
Death it’s a romantic notion, but they are decomposing in their coffins
Angels do not have mortal emotions or mortal wounds
After you see the angels then you wait for the news, their messengers their message is truth
These moments are falling
Ones with the capes their the falling angels
Who the hells gonna save us from w w 4
We inherited a broken NHS, with millions of people languishing on waiting lists. Their lives on hold.
アンナ・サワイが、ドラマシリーズ「SHOGUN 将軍」で主演女優賞を受賞。彼女はマリア・グラツィア・キウリによる精巧な #DiorCouture のクリエイションを纏い、@goldenglobes
のステージに登場しました。その勝利の輝きは #DiorBeauty によってさらに引き立てられました。
I grew up on them back blocks.. where you see people dreams turn to nightmares with them black glocks
"May Flowers Grow in the Saddest Parts of you"
just hold on we're going home
winter days
Uriel is said to have a connection to electricity, and his presence is sometimes heralded by electrical appliances malfunctioning or light bulbs failing
Some Christians consider Uriel to be the patron saint of the arts and sciences, as he is said to inspire and awaken the intellect
Uriel is considered a messenger of God, and is said to deliver God's messages. He is also known as the angel of repentance, and is said to stand at the Gate of Eden with a fiery sword.
The name Uriel is of Hebrew origin and means "God is my light" or "fire of God”
He is known as the angel of wisdom, truth, and light, and is often depicted carrying a book or scroll to represent wisdom (Uriel).
Uriel is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, Catholic, Russian Orthodox, and medieval European traditions
Other names: Ariel is also known as Ari'el, Arael, and Ariael.
Associations: Ariel is sometimes associated with the Judeo-Christian Archangel Uriel
Depiction: Ariel is often depicted in art with a globe representing the Earth, or with elements of nature. Ariel is sometimes shown in pale pink or rainbow colors.
Role: Ariel is the angel of nature, and is responsible for the protection and healing of animals and plants. Ariel is also said to care for the Earth's elements, such as fire, wind, and water
Name: Ariel's name means "lion of God" in Hebrew. It may have come from the Zoroastrian counterpart of the Gnostic Demiurge, Ahriman
U don’t know what’s a sin then u have to prove it
#KirstenDunst and #JessePlemons at the @goldenglobes
in Gucci. Kirsten wore a 1930s-inspired gown with a velvet bodice and crystal-embroideries. Jesse, a nominee for Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy, wore a wool double-breasted tuxedo.
Ariel is an angel that is sometimes depicted with a lion's head and is associated with power over the Earth.
82nd Golden Globe Awards. House Ambassador Zendaya, nominated for the film "Challengers", wore a custom Louis Vuitton design by Nicolas Ghesquière for the ceremony in Los Angeles.
She opens the egg. It holds a chicken with twelve golden chicks.
She opens the casket and finds a dazzling dress in it
The night wind advises her to strike the lion and dragon with a certain reed, to allow the lion to win and both creatures to regain their form, and then to escape on the back of a
griffin. It gives her a nut that will grow to a nut tree in the middle of the sea, which would allow the griffin to rest.
She then asks the moon, who does not know, but gives her an egg. She asks the night wind, and it can not help her, but tells her to wait for the others; the east and west wind can not,
but the south wind says that the dove was again a lion and fighting a dragon that is an enchanted princess near the Red Sea..
When the seven years are nearly up, the youngest daughter loses the trail. She climbs up to the sun and asks after the white dove; the sun does not know, but gives her a casket.
When her sister's wedding procession goes by, candlelight falls on him, and he turns into a dove.
The lion tells her that if any candlelight falls on him, he will be transformed into a dove for seven years
In exchange for their lives and the lark, the lion demands that the man bring him the first thing to meet him on his return home
One day, he must leave on a journey and asks each of his daughters what they would like him to bring back.
The oldest wants diamonds, the second pearls, and the youngest a singing, springing lark (or a rose in some versions).
On his journey home, the man sees a lark in a tall tree, and orders his servant to catch it. Suddenly, a lion springs out and threatens to kill them both for trying to steal the lark
Lily and the Lion
He fought the bull. The bird sprang free, but his brother the eagle harried it until it dropped the egg. This landed on a fisherman's hut, setting it ablaze, but his brother the whale drowned the hut with waves. The youngest brother took the crystal ball to the enchanter, who admitted himself defeated and told him that the ball would also break the spell on his brothers. The youngest hurried to the princess, and they exchanged rings.
The king's daughter told him that only a crystal ball would break the enchantment. She directed him to go down the mountain and fight a wild bull beside a spring. If he killed it, a bird would spring out of it. If the bird was.
This forced to let free an egg in its body, the crystal ball was its yolk, but the egg would light everything about it on fire if dropped on the land.
The youngest son fled before he could suffer the same fate and went off to seek the king's daughter, bewitched and held prisoner in the Castle of the Golden Sun. He saw two giants quarreling over a wishing
cap and they asked him to settle the dispute. He put on the cap, forgot he had it on, and wished himself to the castle..
Sorceress was afraid of her three sons. She turned the oldest into an eagle and the second into a whale, and each could take his human form for only two hours a day.
The Crystal Ball (fairy tale)
winter days.*:・゚🩶*:・゚
Anya Taylor-Joy attends the 82nd Annual Golden Globes Awards.
Elle Fanning
Without the Sun's energy, life as we know it could not exist on our home planet.
Our Sun is a 4.5 billion-year-old yellow dwarf star – a hot glowing ball of hydrogen and helium – at the center of our solar system. It's about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) from Earth and it's our solar system's only star
Our Sun is a 4.5 billion-year-old yellow dwarf star
LE SSERAFIM - Pierrot + Dance Break (Official Performance at the 39th Golden Disc Awards)
Secrets of Cologne Cathedral: A Gothic Marvel
Abby Elliott
Best performance by a female actor in a motion picture — drama.
Jane Crowther
Three Kings Approaching Manger
Sun Moon Magazine X Psyche
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